When my Baby momma and I split, she and Chipmunk kept our spot, and I had trash bags to move my clothes and some sentimental items. I asked a "friend" of mine about housing in his area. I knew it was quiet and a good place for my son to visit. He told me he and his wife had a spare bedroom..
I circled back to ensure he understood I wasn't asking to move in, and he assured me he followed. You see-We worked in the same building and developed a bond. One morning, we were in the cafeteria getting coffee, and he told me he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. I let him know I would pray for him, but if he needed a kidney and I was a match, he could have one of mine.
He and his family appreciated me even though they didn't really know me.

     When I asked him about places near his home he told me about his spare room. He remembered without prompting; I was ready to assist him where I could.

     Now, I'm praying for the givers and those starting over....
May folks remember when you gave. ..May you be blessed 10 times over for your selflessness..... May you be surrounded by those that want to pour back into you.... May you find peace even if it's on an air mattress May you locate and get your dream apt or home.... May you gain more than you've ever lost... May your testimony bang louder than your setbacks.....
Hold on, yawl. I you.

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