A little About Me
From a very young age I have been led to navigate from the heart and spirit of community transformation and movement. Even as a child I could hold the attention of many and direct their eyes to a goal. As a 7 year old I began my first campaign to help pay for field trips for some of my classmates who were impoverished. I enlisted the help of my parents, unaware that we weren’t wealthy. While begrudgingly a lot of time, they supported me and would sponsor dozens of field trips for my classmates through my elementary schooling. In my heart, I believe I was called to advocate for the marginalized, ostracized, impoverished and alienated since I was a child.  With my background in music, spiritual upbringing, and 30 years of community outreach experience, I have honed my skills in creating presentations that resonate with people on an emotional level. My focus is on the heart, the most vital aspect of our human connection. I strive to inspire individuals to embark on a more healed and aware journey in life.